Segway tours in Pessac-Léognan, Bordeaux vineyards

About the Segway

Developed by the American company Segway Inc, world leader in electric personal transport, the gyropod is a single-seat, self-stabilized electric vehicle with two parallel wheels.

Its operation is based on an exclusive system of gyroscopes and highly sophisticated sensors that ensure perfect balance at a standstill as well as in motion without the user having to worry about it.

Modeled on the walking mechanism, the Segway reacts instantly to the inclination of the body. Lean forward to move forward and backward to stop... And to steer, just turn the handlebars. The gyropod works and steers according to your movements. No brake or gas pedal, it's the inclination of your body that does the work!

The intuitive driving of the Segway gyropod allows you to feel a unique pleasure. In just a few minutes, you can go for a ride and enjoy a good time.

There is an urban model for strolling in the city or an all-terrain model for enjoying a circuit in the countryside or in the mountains. No need for effort, no particular technique and no balance required. An ideal activity for an outing, a weekend or a vacation with the rental of a Segway gyropod.

Segway i2 gyropode x2

There can be several advantages to a Segway tour in Pessac Leognan

  1. Easy mobility: Segways can offer an easy mobility solution to explore the city, especially for people who wish to avoid walking long distances.

  2. Unique experience: Segway rides can offer a unique and fun experience for tourists.

  3. Discover the city: Segway activities can offer the opportunity to discover areas of the city that are not easily accessible by car or public transportation.

  4. Time saving: Segway tours can cover more ground in less time than walking.

  5. Experienced tour guide: a Segway Tour can be accompanied by an instructor who can offer interesting information about the city and its sights.

Filter 4 offers
la motte 14

Balade Segway - "À la découverte de la motte castrale de Gradignan" (1h)

Venez faire une balade en gyropode Segway, en amoureux, entre copains ou en famille.
Vous allez sillonner des sentiers qui longent l'Eau Bourde, traverser de très jolis pontons, passer à côté d' un moulin, et vous allez même pouvoir remonter le temps en observant la motte castrale.
From 39 €

Gyropod Segway tour with tasting at Château La Louvière (2h00)

Come and enjoy a gyropod ride with your family, friends or loved ones through the heart of Château de La Louvière, an 18th-century architectural gem. Come and discover its wooded park, its avenues of plane trees, its different grape varieties, its small valley bordering the Eau Blanche...

From 69 €