Segway gyropode tour - Le Touquet

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foret du touquet mobilboard

Segway in the Forest - Le Touquet

This tour is an immersion in the calm and serenity of the Touquet forest. And your guide will be happy to tell you some of its secrets.
From 65 €
balade cross segway touquet

Segway Cross - Le Touquet

Are you looking for a tour that combines sensations, fun and discovery of the natural heritage? This tour is for you.
Designed for people looking for sensations, this circuit is adapted to novice and experienced users.
From 40 €
evjf activite touquet

EVJF formula - 1h30

Are you looking for an original idea for your friend's bachelorette party?
From 40 €
visiter touquet idee cadeau

Birthday package - Segway Touquet

You want to celebrate a birthday in an original way? By inviting your relatives on an unexpected activity accessible to all?
Mobilboard Le Touquet will know how to organize your activity for the greatest pleasure of all. Amaze them!
From 35 €
bapteme à segway touquet estuaire

Le Touquet - Estuary Segway Baptism

Here is a circuit baptism which will give you the opportunity to discover the bay of Canche and the nature park. For the most reluctant, the course is ideal to familiarize with the piloting of the Segway. You will be surprised by its ease... and your incredible adaptability!
From 19 €

Visite privatisée de Lille - 2h

Et customisée ! Pour découvrir Lille à votre rythme, et selon vos envies !
Le circuit de base traverse le Vieux-Lille, Euralille et le quartier de Saint-Sauveur, mais peut-être que vous avez déjà visité le Vieux-Lille ? Vous avez fait une visite guidée à pied ou à vélo ? Alors, vous souhaitez voir d'autres quartiers, avoir une vue plus étendue sur la ville. C'est votre balade !

Après une courte formation dispensée par un Instructeur agréé Segway, embarquez pour une balade depuis l'entrée du parc de la Citadelle, à votre guise.
From 70 €

Lille Essentiel - 1h30

Après une prise en main facile du gyropode aux abords du parc de la Citadelle, vous partirez dans le cœur du Vieux-Lille, découvrir ses façades du XVIIème flamboyant, comme sa cathédrale enfin achevée.
From 45 €
balade gyropode segway touquet

Affinity Tour - Segway Touquet

Leave room for the unexpected, the surprise, and the pleasure of discovering each other, between singles, by participating in a ½ day of activities accessible to all.
From 60 €

Segway gyropode rental in Le Touquet

The gyropod, an electric personal transport with two parallel wheels, is designed by the American company Segway Inc, which is the world reference in this field. The gyropod works thanks to an innovative system of gyroscopes and sophisticated sensors that ensure the perfect balance of the user, whether at a standstill or in motion, without him having to worry about it. This vehicle is inspired by the mechanism of walking, reacting instantly to the inclination of the body.

To move forward, simply lean forward, and to slow down, lean back. To change direction, simply turn the handlebars. This unique operation guarantees the safety and exceptional maneuverability of the gyropod. The intuitive driving of the Segway gyropod is within everyone's reach, and provides an incomparable pleasure, which can be compared to skiing or flying carpet. It only takes a few minutes to discover these unique sensations.

Visit Le Touquet, its landscapes and culture

Explore the picturesque streets of the charming town of Le Touquet on a gyropod, with the itineraries proposed by Mobilboard Le Touquet. Our packages are suitable for all types of leisure and tourism activities, to share unforgettable moments with family or friends. Our experienced instructors will guide you along your route, to make you discover the hidden treasures of our beautiful region.

Renting a Segway is a convenient and easy option to discover the city without having to worry about fatigue or walking. The advantages of visiting Le Touquet by Segway with Mobilboard are numerous: you will be able to move quickly around the city, enjoy panoramic views of Le Touquet, and easily access areas that would be difficult to reach by foot or car. Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover the landscapes and lifestyle of this beautiful town.

Driving a Segway is easy!

Discover Le Touquet in a unique and fun way by renting a Segway. With the right advice and initiation, you can enjoy a successful and unforgettable Segway tour. The Segway is easy to use and can be learned quickly, thanks to an initiation given by your Mobilboard guide. It is accessible to a wide audience, including people who are not used to driving vehicles.

In addition, the ergonomic design of the Segway allows for comfortable posture for long periods of time, thanks to the adjustable handles and footrests. The Segway is a fun activity for everyone, especially for excursions, walks and short trips. It is smaller and more maneuverable than many other modes of transportation, making it accessible to a wider variety of people, including those who have difficulty getting around.

Book now a Segway tour in Le Touquet with your Mobilboard guide, and explore the city with your loved ones in a fun and original way.